
Check your license#

Run "piler -V" and verify the Expiry line

Note that the license expiry displayed on the UI is updated every hour

Check the running piler processes#

# ps uaxw|grep piler
piler        179  0.0  0.0  55172  3260 ?        S    08:26   0:00 searchd --config /etc/piler/manticore.conf
piler        180  0.4  0.7 319108 30900 ?        Sl   08:26   3:03 searchd --config /etc/piler/manticore.conf
piler        195  0.0  0.0  17728  2752 ?        Ss   08:26   0:14 /usr/sbin/piler-smtp -d
piler        197  0.0  0.0  22392  3732 ?        Ss   08:26   0:02 /usr/sbin/piler -d
piler        721  0.2  0.2  98756  8400 ?        S    08:28   1:54 /usr/sbin/piler -d
piler        745  0.2  0.1  22448  3944 ?        S    08:28   1:53 /usr/sbin/piler -d

Verify that manticore (sphinx) serves tables#

# mysql -h0 -P9306
MySQL [(none)]> show tables;
| Index         | Type      |
| aaa           | rt        |
| aaa_cat1      | percolate |
| aaa_note1     | rt        |
| aaa_tag1      | rt        |
| ....          | ....      |

Check the logs#

Search for errors in /var/log/mail.log (or maillog) and in /var/log/nginx/error.log

Verify that you have enough free disk space#

df -h