Upgrading piler enterprise#
This documentation applies to Piler enterprise edition 1.7.2
Revision #1
Publication date: Apr 27, 2023
Upgrading procedure from 1.6.2 to 1.7.2#
Stop all piler related services#
Have a backup of /etc/piler directory#
Upgrade piler-ee package with dpkg or rpm#
Update your license file (/etc/piler/piler.lic)#
Upgrade the database:#
for i in /var/piler/sphinx/piler $(find /var/piler/sphinx/* -type d); do
mysql --defaults-file=/etc/piler/.my.cnf $(basename $i) < /usr/share/piler/db-upgrade.sql
mysql --defaults-file=/etc/piler/.my.cnf $(basename $i) <<< "rename table archiving_rule to exclusion_rule"
Update the rewrite rules in /etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf according to /etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf.dist#
Upgrade the minio python client#
pip3 install minio==7.1.12
If using sphinxsearch, then perform these steps:#
a) add the following to /etc/piler/config-site.php:
$config['DIR_SPHINX'] = '/var/piler/sphinx/';
b) be sure to have the following in /etc/piler/piler.conf:
c) Create the following symlink:
ln -sf /etc/piler/sphinx.conf /etc/piler/manticore.conf
Start all piler related services#
Restart nginx:
systemctl restart nginx
Then check /var/log/mail.log
or /var/log/maillog
to verify that everything is running fine.